jueves, 10 de abril de 2014

Read and Revise Vocabulary

In the following Slideshare presentation you will find interesting vocabulary and expressions in order to ask and give directions in English. Read them and try to remember as many as you can.

Let's Watch and Listen (Level A1 - A2 - KET)

Watch the video and pay attention to the language the speakers use in order to ask and give directions. Then, work in pairs (or in small groups) and prepare a similar role-play.

Giving directions (Level A2 - Ket)

One of the most useful skills you will need if you travel to any foreign country is to be able to ask for directions. Maps are wonderful and nowadays you can even use technology in your mobiles to find your way but, let's be honest, machines are not that perfect and, therefore, you might need to ask for help to one of the locals in the place you are visiting. But...what type of language do we need to ask for directions?